Red Mites in Chicken Coops
Poultry Owners – How to get rid of red mites in chicken coops
We have dealt with many customers who have large numbers of chickens with this problem of mite infestation. Red mites reproduce rapidly. These horrid bugs don’t live on the chickens themselves but hide in the framework of the chicken coop, perches and nest boxes and only come out at night to feed on the blood of the birds.
Here is the best solution!
With our ‘ready to use’ Bugga Off and Wet & Forget Indoor - spray the nesting boxes and follow these rules to get an amazing result.
- Remove all litter and droppings from floor area, nests and ledges
- Take out all removable items including perches and nests
- Remove any dust on the walls and remove cobwebs
- Power hose, steam clean or scrub all surfaces, nooks and crannies, using a household or dairy detergent
- Leave to dry
- Ensure that you also wash the equipment you have just used to prevent re-infection
- Spray the whole area with Wet & Forget’s Indoor. This is an amazing hard surface sanitiser that will kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses.
- Let it dry thoroughly.
- Then spray everything with Bugga Off (for long term bug control) and again, let it dry thoroughly. This will leave a residual coating but the surfaces must be dry before putting chickens back in
- Repeat this process on all moveable apparatus such as perches and feeders
- Replace the litter
Going forward
Prevent wild birds and rodents from infiltrating the coop and spreading the mites.