Rotate black dial on the Reach Nozzle to the ‘ON’ setting
Apply the Window Witch to the windows, using the correct spray setting.
Using the water adjustment, check that you are happy with the water pressure at the tap.
Don't deal with too many windows at once or it will dry.
Move quickly to avoid wastage.
Lightly brush up & down with our Microfibre Window Pad to get rid of any surface grime. (available in 2.5m or 4.5m extensions)
Allow the product to soak for NO MORE than 5 MINUTES.
DO NOT ALLOW the product to dry on the glass.
DO NOT apply in direct sunlight.
Turn the Reach Nozzle to the ‘WATER’ position.
Rinse all the suds completely off from top to bottom within 5 mins.
Always rinse above and to the sides of the window wash line thoroughly. This will prevent the original overspray of suds from running down afterwards and leaving soapy streak residue on your window.
Stand back and watch the magic as the water sheets off! No Need to Squeegee Windows!