Hit The Deck Does Make a Difference

Hit The Deck for cleaning dirty decks

  1. Mix Hit The Deck as per instructions in a normal household bucket
  2. Use a sprayer to spray the product to the surface
  3. Leave for 30 mins
  4. Use one of our short, hard bristled brooms
  5. Scrub and hose off at the same time
  6. See the Hit The Deck Difference

If you want to see evidence of success stories, then check out the photos customers have sent in to us:

Hit The Deck deck cleaner with a differenceThese images from more happy customers show the successful results when you use Hit The Deck to remove any blackened contamination off your decks.  If you have this problem – don’t hesitate any longer!

'Hit The Deck' Cleans Up Dirty Decks in a Jiffy

Hit The Deck Cleaner to clean decks